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How to modify the photo slideshow on the home page?

Monday, 16 March 2015 | Views: 1842

Updating the photos

  1. Login using your ftp account
  2. Enter this folder, /files/images/ddblock and you will find the images used on the home page's photo slideshow
  3. Delete the images you don't want and upload those you want to be shown
  4. The images shown are displayed by the order of the file name, so you may want to rename the file name according to the order you want to show them

Modifying Dynamic display block settings

  1. Login to your courier web site using your admin account
  2. On the administration menu, Click Structure -> Dynamic display block
  3. You will see we have configured two slideshows block, one for mobile and one for desktop
  4. Click the configure block link and modify it the way you want
  5. Visit the official documentation for Dynamic display block if you need further information.

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