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How to award/deduct/configure/rebrand user credits?

Friday, 20 March 2015 | Views: 1943

By default, prepaid customers are required to purchase credits in advance which is credited into their account, so that they can spend them when placing parcel pickup/delivery orders.

Approve credits purchase

After user placed an order to purchase credits, the administrator will receive an order e-mail notifications, the same e-mail notifications as parcels order. If the administrator examine the order, the line item listed in that order will not be liveparcels which is normally listed for parcels order. The line item listed will be the name of the top-up option the administrator have created. By default, there is only one option created which is "$1 = $1 credit".

By default, prepaid customers is only given bank transfer payment method for credits purchase. Due to the need for manual confirmation that the payment is received into the courier company's bank account, the user credit order purchased must be manually approved.

To see the list of orders your customers have ordered, click LiveParcels in the administrator menu -> click View orders under Orders. There is nothing in the list that can tell you directly what the customer have ordered. You need to open that order to see what exactly your customer have ordered. However, based on the information shown, you can make an educated guess to find those credits orders from prepaid customers. By default, only prepaid roles can order credits and the only payment method enabled for credits purchase is Bank Transfer. By using the filter provided to look for orders by prepaid roles and Bank Transfer payment method, you can easily narrow down the orders made by prepaid customers for credits, so you can manually match the orders with your bank transactions.

Once you have matched the bank transaction with the order, tick the box on the right of that row and then click the Set order status button. You can tick multiple orders and set their order status at one go on this page, saving time. On the next page, you can select the status of the order to set to. Select Completed because you can consider this transaction completed when payment is received. If you also tick the box that says "Send e-mail notification on update.", the customer who placed the order will receive an e-mail notification. Lastly, click the Next button and then click the confirm button.

After the web site have processed your instructions and return to the View orders page, you should now see those order status you have selected just now updated to whatever you have selected. If you have selected Completed or Payment received for those credit orders, the credits that your customer have purchased will be automatically awarded to that customer's account.

You can check this by clicking LiveParcels in the administrator menu -> click User Points under Users -> Transactions tab

Award/deduct credits

As an administrator, you can award/deduct credits from any user's account. You can do this by clicking LiveParcels in the administrator menu -> click User Points under Users -> Transactions tab -> Click Add credits transaction link and follow the instructions on screen.

Set credits auto expiry

You can set the credit to auto expire at a specific time after credit is purchased, e.g. 365 days. You can do this by clicking LiveParcels in the administrator menu -> click User Points under Users -> Credits Settings -> Click Expiration on the left of the screen and then select the expiry date under "Expire credits after". By default, credits is set to never expire.

Credit branding/naming

You can also change the name where the words credits appear on the system, e.g. you can change its name to virtual currency instead. You can do this by clicking LiveParcels in the administrator menu -> click User Points under Users -> Credits Settings -> Click Branding on the left of the screen and then modify the fields to the name you want.

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